Learn more about Kennedy Collegiate Institute. The home of the Clippers!
"Altiora Peto" - We seek higher things
Address and location
We are located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Contact us
School Phone Number : 519-254-6475
School Fax Number : 519-254-6750
School history
"The Hon. W.C. Kennedy Collegiate was opened on September 3, 1929, with an enrolment of 640 pupils and a staff of 20 teachers. The classrooms are all of standard size, each room providing seating accommodation for 39 pupils. The rotary system is in vogue in this school - the classes moving from room to room at the end of each 40 minute period. There are eight such periods in the school day.
The Science Laboratories provide a special feature of this school. All four laboratories are larder than the standard size and all are equipped with adjustable chairs or stools. This enables them to be used as classrooms when occasion demands. Both the Chemistry and Physics Laboratories have equipment rooms and lecture rooms adjoining. The Biology Laboratory has a very fine Conservatory for experimental work.
The Library - the most beautiful room in the school - is used as a study room throughout the day, under the supervision of a teacher. The large Gymnasium (seating capacity 2200) and the Swimming Pool, together with the fine Stadium and Athletic Field at the rear of the school, will afford athletic advantages unequalled in the Province. An excellent Cafeteria capable of accommodating 500 students at one time, occupies the third floor.
The staff is composed of experienced teachers of proven ability. Practically all are specialists in their various departments...
Architects : D. J. Cameron and W. Ralston"
- This was an excerpt taken from the Official Opening Program -
We are committed to providing an accessible environment for students, staff, families and our community. Learn how you can notify us about an accessibility concern for your child, view our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan and find out more about our school's accessible infrastructure.
Grades available
Kennedy Collegiate offers grades 9 - 12.
- Our feeder schools : John Campbell, John A. McWilliam, Queen Victoria
- [91桃色视频 to insert brief introduction to any school-specific policies and accessible link to each in this style: Recess Policy]
Allergies and foods/scents restrictions
We are committed to maintaining a safe environment for all students and staff. Learn about our allergy alerts, including restrictions on bringing certain types of foods and scents to school.
Bullying prevention and intervention
The 91桃色视频's Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan outlines our long-term, school-wide approach regarding bullying prevention and intervention, including:
- Education, awareness and outreach
- Bullying and cyber-bullying
- Types of behaviour and evaluation of evidence
- Policies and procedures
- Approved strategies and programs
- Goals and action plans
Code of Conduct
The 91桃色视频's Safe Schools Policy is based on the provincial and the Ontario Code of Conduct, which set clear standards of behaviour for students, staff, parents, guardians, volunteers and any other individuals involved in public education.
View our Code of Conduct policies, including standards of behaviour and employee standards of conduct.