Students have access a variety of online learning resources and platforms at Essex District High School.
We use the online platform to share information about student activity with parents and guardians. Find out how to use to Edsby.
We use by D2L (Desire2Learn) as our platform for all eLearning and hybrid learning courses. Learn how to use Brightspace.
We use to help students with academic and career planning.
eLearning courses
Learn about the variety of eLearning courses we offer students during each semester and how to access them.
Online student support
Do you need a hand transitioning to the online learning environment? We can help with video tutorials and other resources.
Microsoft Office 365 and Teams
We provide free access to Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Teams for staff and students to engage in better two-way communication and enrich their online learning. Find out how to download Office 365 and Teams on any device and learn about what your account includes.
Joining the school's Wi-Fi
Learn how to securely join our school's Wi-Fi internet access, whether you are a staff, student, guest, or visitor.